IFATSEA’s Executive Board concluded a productive three-day meeting in Ottawa, Canada.  Progress was made on a number of important topics including a framework for a new constitution, communication plan for the proposed changes, and addressing the concerns of the affiliates. This works was mandated by Motion 12 passed at the 2012 General Assmebly in Delhi, India.

Two concerns dominated the discussion with respect to IFATSEA’s governance: board structure and committee structure.  Although both of these issues will be more fully addressed in a detailed report to the affiliates, suffice to say greater clarity is required on roles and responsibilities of elected officers.  Moreover, greater autonomy is being considered for the IFATSEA regions.

The Executive Board created various workgroups to address specific issues such as a transisition plan if the proposed amendments are adopted.  The transition plan may include adjusting election cycles to bring current officers into line with the new election schedule proposed.  Another workgroup is responsible for drafting the specific changes required to implement the new model.

Finally, the Executive Board considered the necessary arrangements to permit a full discussion on the proposed constitutional changes at the next General Assembly while balancing the desire to permit as far as possible the usual business of the Assembly to continue.

In the coming days, the Executive Board will prepare a more detailed report and will make it available to the Regional Directors.  We strongly encourage affiliates to contact their regional director or any member of the Executive Board for further information.

In closing, IFATSEA wishes to thank IBEW Local 2228 for their hospitality and generosity during our Executive Board meeting.