GAT joins corporate membership

  We are pleased to announce that GATE Aviation Training joins our Corporate member list. Headquartered in Denmark, GATE Aviation Training is a one-stop-shop with unique, flexible and customized training solutions without compromises for the aviation industry....

51st IFATSEA Assembly Agenda

                                                                                                                       Please find attached the tentative agenda for IFATSEA General Assembly in Buenos Aires, Argentina slated for 12th – 17th November 2023. 51st...

Update: 51st IFATSEA GA Buenos Aires-Argentina

Ladies & Gentlemen, On behalf of the IFATSEA Executive Board, I kindly bring to your attention  calling notice for the IFATSEA 51st GA scheduled for Buenos Aires, Argentina from November 12 -17 2023. In this update, you will find the Assembly website, Hotel...

Concluded IFATSEA ARM 2023 in Zambia

IFATSEA concludes the 13th Africa Region Meeting Livingstone, Zambia, 16 June 2023: The International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) Africa Region concluded another successful meeting held from the 13th to the 16th of June 2023....