
European Regional Meeting 2017

The IFATSEA Region Europe would like to invite you at its annual meeting from 25th to 27th of May 2017 in Budva, Montenegro. The European Regional Meeting is hosted by ATSEPMONT, the Montenegro Affiliate of IFATSEA. The web -site of Eurogroup...

Africa Regional Meeting set for Tunisia

The next Africa Regional meeting will take place in Hammamet, Tunisia from September 15 to 17, 2016. The theme for this conference "Safe Sky - ATSEP Responsibility" IFATSEA's Tunisian affiliate is hosting this conference. Delegates are encouraged to participate in...

International ATSEP Day – 12th November 2015

November 12 marks the International Day of the Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP). On this day, every one of us can be proud of our accomplishments. Most notably, our role in contributing to a safe and efficient air navigation system. ICAO estimates more...

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