News and Announcements
50th IFATSEA Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic
To: IFATSEA Affiliates Subject: Pre-Announcement IFATSEA 50th Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic, 27th September to 2nd October 2020 Dear Colleagues, This is the Pre-Announcement for the 50th IFATSEA Assembly for this year. The Assembly will be held in Prague, Czech...
10th IFATSEA Africa Regional Meeting
Dear IFATSEA Member Associations from Africa, With great gratitude to Ms Enia Kakoumba IFATSEA announce that, Zambia will host the 10th IFATSEA Africa Regional Meeting in the beautiful City of Livingstone. Kindly save the date 20 to 24 July 2020, Zambia. The official...
IFATSEA Regional Director Americas
Appointment of IFATSEA Regional Director Americas Mr. Patrick Delaney resigned at 49th IFATSEA Assembly in Accra, Ghana from the post as Regional Director Americas. Mr. Delaney will continue as ICAO Liaison Officer. We thank Mr. Delaney for his efforts to improve...
Season Greetings
Dear Colleagues, On behalf of IFATSEA's Executive Board, I wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and a happy New Year! May you accomplish all your personal and professional targets throughout the coming year! Cristina Felix International Federation of Air Traffic Safety...
IFATSEA Online Survey on Human Factors of ATSEP
Dear Colleagues, Your action is required! After forwarding a Working Paper to the ICAO CNS/SG 23 Meeting held at ICAO Regional APAC Office at Bangkok, Thailand on "Factors Adding Stress and Fatigue to ATSEP and the Need for a Study to Address the Human Factor Issues...
49th IFATSEA Assembly, 17 to 22 November 2019 in Accra, Ghana
Dear Colleagues, We are approaching the 49th IFATSEA General Assembly. The Assembly will be held at the Mövenpick Ambassador Hotel Accra, Independence Avenue, Accra, Ghana from 17 to 22 November 2019. The theme of this year is “ATSEP’s guarantee Aviation...
International ATSEP Day
Let us celebrate our Profession, the key of aviation safety!
2019 General Assembly – Draft Agenda and Program
Dear Colleagues, today we forwarded the Draft Agenda and Program for the 49th Assembly to all Principle Officers of IFATSEA Member Associations. All documents available in the IFATSEA E-Library. Best wishes Thorsten Wehe, President ...
Calling Notice – IFATSEA General Assembly 2019
To: All IFATSEA AFFILIATES Subject: Calling Notice for the IFATSEA 49th Assembly 17 to 22 November 2019 in Accra, Ghana. Dear Colleagues, This is the official Calling Notice for the 49th IFATSEA General Assembly and sets out the procedures for this year. The...
40th ICAO Assembly
Today IFATSEA will present Working Paper 105 at the Technical Commission: ENABLING DIGITAL AVIATION THROUGH THE CYBER-DEVELOPMENT OF AIR TRAFFIC SAFETY ELECTRONICS PERSONNEL (ATSEP) wp_105_en International Civil Aviation Organization WORKING PAPER...
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